Thursday, December 27, 2012

Jadwal Ujian Nasional 2013 SD SMP SMA

 Jadwal Ujian Nasional 2013 SD SMP SMA
Latihan I
Latihan II
Ujian Utama
Ujian Susulan
25-27 Feb 2013
20-23 Maret 2013
30 Apr-4 Mei '13
06-10 Mei 2013
21-23 Feb 2013
18-20 Maret 2013
30 Apr-4 Mei '13
06-10 Mei 2013
21-23 Feb 2013
18-20 Maret 2013
06-10 Mei 2013
13-16 Mei 2013
21-23 Maret 2013
15-17 April 2013
13-15 Mei 2013
20-22 Mei 2013

Monday, December 24, 2012

Tes Logika Gambar

Kepala kuda yg mana: A atau B ??????????????????????

Saturday, December 22, 2012


sebuah mobil F1 ternyata terbuat dari 80.000 komponen, dgn perakitan mendekati kesempurnaan 99%, walaupun demikian ketika balapan dimulai masih terdapat sekitar 80 kesalahan teknis. Ketika Seorang pembalap F1 melakukan pengereman/brakes, maka perlambatan yg terjadi dapat disamakan dengan mobil biasa ketika menabrak tembok batubata dengan kecepatan 300kmph. 
Mobil F1 dapat melaju dengan kecepatan dari 0 – 160kph dan kembali diam atau kecepatan 0 dlm waktu 4 detik!!!
Mesin mobil F1 dapat sebagian besar hanya bertahan kurang lebih selama 2 jam di balapan, dengan kata lain ada tingkatan mesin yang akan terus dikembangkan..
Rata-rata pembalap F1 kehilangan 4 kg dr berat badannya selama 1x balapan akibat suhu tinggi selama 1 jam di dalam mobil…
Untuk memberikan penjelasan betapa pentingnya sistem aerodinamika dan down force pd mobil F1, dpt dibandingkan dgn pesawat kecil tanpa sistem ini mempunyai kecepatan yg lebih kecil dibandingkan mobil F1. Tanpa Kekuatan Aerodinamika yg di terapkan pd mobil F1 maka kecepatan maksimal hanya akan mencapai 160 kph, dimana mobil F1 dgn sistem aerodinamika dpt mecapai kecepatan normal nya yakni 300 kph

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

KIMIA - Elektronegativitas

Apa yang dimaksud dengan elektronegativitas?
Elektronegativitas adalah ukuran dari kecenderungan sebuah atom untuk menarik elektron. Skala Pauling adalah yang paling sering digunakan. Flourin (element yang paling elektronegatif) memiliki nilai 4.0,  nilai tersebut turun sampai dengan  sesium dan fransium dengan elektronegatif terendah 0.7.
Apa yang terjadi jika dua atom dengan elektronegatif yang sama jika berikatan?
  Contoh yang paling jelas adalah ikatan diantara dua buah karbon. Kedua atom akan menarik elektron dengan kekuatan yang sama. Ini berarti bahwa jika dirata-rata pasangan elektron ikatan  akan ditemukan pada pertengahan dari dua nuklei seperti gambar berikut:
Suatu hal yang penting untuk menyadari bahwa gambar ini hanyalah rata-rata dari yang terjadi. Elektron sebenarnya berada dalam orbital sigma, dan bergerak secara konstan dalam orbital itu.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Foto Panas Jelang Derbi Manchester

Foto Panas Jelang Derbi Manchester antara Manchester City dan Manchester United.

Siapa bisa Prediksi Skor keduanya ?

Thursday, December 6, 2012

BEST TRIP - Indonesia Undersea

In far eastern Indonesia, the Raja Ampat islands embrace a phenomenal coral wilderness.

Fish Coral What scientists found when they surveyed the waters of the Raja Ampat Islands six years ago set off an international alert for their preservation. The archipelago's reefs were not just rich—the region would prove to have the greatest coral reef biodiversity for its size in the world. Even a short initial voyage confirmed more than 450 species of reef-building coral, nine newly discovered. The entire Caribbean, by contrast, holds fewer than 70 species. With so many of the world's reefs destroyed or suffering catastrophic decline, efforts to safeguard this treasure went into high gear.
One of the first divers to get an inkling of the abundance that lay below wasn't a scientist but an adventurer named Max Ammer, who came to the sparsely populated Raja Ampat Islands from the Netherlands in 1990 looking for abandoned jeeps and sunken aircraft from World War II. He stayed for the coral and carved out two eco-resorts on the small island of Kri. In 1998 he guided renowned Australian ichthyologist Gerry Allen on a few dives. "Each dive was a mini-exploration," says Gerry. "A light snapped on in my brain, and I thought: This is it."
Gerry lobbied Conservation International (CI) to conduct a marine survey. Both the region's remoteness and the political turmoil in Indonesia had made it difficult to study these waters systematically, but in 2001 Gerry was among the scientists gathered by CI to make a rapid assessment of Raja Ampat. His intuition had been spot-on. The survey brought Raja's fish species count to an astounding 970; Gerry set a record for personally counting 283 species on one dive. Follow-up surveys coordinated by CI and the Nature Conservancy added to Raja's species count in fish, corals, and other marine life, and confirmed that this biological frontier was an El Dorado of coral reefs.
But these are not all vacation-poster reefs bathed in bright, gentle waters. This is an unruly frontier. Fortified with plankton, key to the reefs' fecundity, the waters are often murky and veiled, churned by currents so powerful you feel as if you're diving in a washing machine and so dizzying with life that the scene could have been painted by Jackson Pollock.
As diving partner Jennifer Hayes and I swam over the lip of a reef off a rocky islet near Kri, the sea changed from lighthearted blue to brooding green. Purple fields of leather coral rippled as the current came at us like threatening gusts of wind. Reaching a protected undercut, we entered a grove of orange, red, and yellow sea fans surrounded by a pink and purple hedge of soft corals. Swarms of orange anthias fish hovered at the edge of the current, while a squadron of plate-size batfish patrolled the perimeter of the soft coral garden.
Running low on air, I pushed off to return to the boat and spun into the propelling current, one hand on my cameras, one hand stretching for the boat's ladder, which I caught like a trapeze artist. The islet itself was trailing a wake from the current whipping around it. It's easy to believe the local tale that during World War II the Americans bombed this islet at dusk, thinking it was a Japanese patrol boat steaming across the bay.
What makes these waters a cauldron of life? "Habitat, habitat, habitat," says biologist Mark Erdmann, senior adviser to CI's Indonesian Marine Program. "Extensive fringing reefs, wave-pounded drop-offs, calm deep bays funneling upwellings of nutrients, sand flats, mangroves, sea grass meadows—all in an area that's isolated and still for the most part intact."
How these reefs became, in Mark's words, "a species factory," goes back geologic lifetimes to when a series of ice ages lowered ocean levels, leaving small, isolated seas in which species could evolve and diversify. Now the region is a crossroads for Pacific and Indian Ocean species, whose numbers are still being counted. Surveys in 2006 revealed marine life rivaling Raja Ampat's richness—and at least 56 new species—just to the east along the island of New Guinea around Fakfak and Cenderawasih Bay. To encourage protection of these sites as well as Raja Ampat, CI, the Nature Conservancy, and the World Wide Fund for Nature–Indonesia, with the backing of the Indonesian government, created the 70,600-square-mile (183,000 square kilometers) Bird's Head Seascape. Most of it is not yet legally protected, but the government this year named seven new marine protected areas covering nearly 3,500 square miles (9,100 square kilometers) in Raja Ampat.
What the Bird's Head Seascape holds: 2,500 islands and reefs, nearly 1,300 fish species, 600 coral species, 700 mollusks (including seven species of giant clam), sea turtle rookeries, and more. What it's been robbed of: sharks. They've been slaughtered by outside commercial fishermen supplying the shark-fin soup market. Commercial fishing remains a threat, as does logging and nickel mining. Blast fishing by local subsistence fishermen has damaged some reefs, though the practice is fading as villagers become economic partners in conservation programs.
Raja Ampat is the seascape's crown jewel. Fittingly, the name means "four kings." Centuries ago those kings were men, four rajas granted rule here by a sultan of the Spice Islands, today's Moluccas, just to the west across the Halmahera Sea. Now Raja Ampat's four largest islands are considered the kings. Their waters make them truly royal.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Cara Mengetahui Tahun Pembuatan PC/Notebook/Laptop

muhammadarzan.blogspot.comMengetahui Tahun Pembuatan PC/Notebook/Laptop sangat gampang. Caranya jalankan program Command Prompt (cmd) dengan mengetik "cmd" pada perintah RUN. Setelah cmd terbuka ketikkan perintah berikut.


Beberapa saat kemudian tanggal pembuatan PC-mu akan telihat di bagian kanan. Contoh "02/11/11".